Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance

Are irregular periods the bane of your life?

Do your severe PMS symptoms force you to take time off work?

Many women believe severe period pain, migraines, and mood swings are just part of being a woman! Others turn to pharmaceutical birth control to regulate cramps, acne, irregular cycles, and heavy periods (which opens a can of worms in itself).

But there could be a better way to get your cycle back on track.

Today, we explore seed cycling to balance hormones and support fertility

What is Seed Cycling?

Seed cycling, or seed rotation, is a natural hormone-balancing remedy that’s been used throughout history.

It involves eating raw pumpkin and flax seeds during the first half of your menstrual cycle and sunflower and sesame seeds during the second half of the cycle.

If you believe in “food as medicine,” seed cycling may pique your interest. The best part is it’s affordable and easy to implement.

So, how does it work?

The female body works on a 28-day cycle (instead of a 24-hour cycle like men) controlled by your hormones.

Your hormones ebb and flow in a monthly rhythm. Unfortunately, it’s common for nutritional deficiencies, stress, inactivity, and sluggish digestion and elimination to disrupt this rhythm.

This is where seed cycling can help. 

Seeds are rich in nutrients like magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, fiber, and phytoestrogens. These nutrients may regulate hormone levels by supporting liver function, improving elimination, and reducing overall inflammation in the body.

While evidence to support seed cycling is sparse, it has a large following as a risk-free hormone remedy.

Benefits of Seed Cycling

Seed cycling isn’t only helpful for reducing PMS and regulating periods. Anecdotal evidence suggests it may help with hormonal acne, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis.

Even if you have no hormonal complaints, seed cycling is a great way to add more minerals, fatty acids, and fiber to your diet.

How To Do Seed Cycling 

Adding seed cycling to your daily routine is super simple.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. During the follicular phase of your cycle (starting from the first day of your period), consume one tablespoon of raw, ground pumpkin seeds and one tablespoon of raw, ground flax seeds per day. Continue this for 14 days (depending on the length of your cycle). Pumpkin and flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and support estrogen levels during this time.

  2. In the luteal phase of your cycle (days 14 to 28), transition to one tablespoon of raw, ground sunflower seeds and one tablespoon of raw, ground sesame seeds per day. These seeds support the rising levels of progesterone during this phase.

  3. Proponents suggest it takes roughly three cycles for your period to regulate and your hormonal symptoms to subside.

You can add the seeds to your smoothies, oatmeal, salads, pasta, homemade protein bars, pesto, soups, and more. We also love making natural seed butter (like nut butter but with seeds).

To make this process easier, grind a week’s worth of seeds at the start of the week. Store them in a sealed container in your fridge or freezer to keep them fresh.

What If My Cycle Is Irregular?

If your cycle is irregular, it’s tricky knowing when each phase starts and ends. Tracking your monthly cycle with a period tracking app (great apps include Clue and Flo) will give you an idea of when you’re ovulating.

If you don’t have a period, experts suggest rotating seeds according to the moon. The moon also works on a 28-day cycle and has a powerful effect on your physiology. It may help you reconnect with your natural rhythms.

If you’re doing this method, follow these steps:

  1. Start eating pumpkin and flax seeds on the day of the new moon – consider this day 1 of your cycle.

  2. Transition to consuming sunflower and sesame seeds on the day of the full moon – this is when phase two of your cycle starts. 

Many women have found following this for a few months regulates their cycle again. 

Final Thoughts 

Seed cycling is a gentle way to support your hormones and improve the nutrient density of your diet.

However, it’s not magic. Your hormone health depends on SO many factors. We encourage you to use seed cycling in addition to eating a whole-food diet, regular movement, stress reduction, and avoiding harsh chemicals in cosmetics and home cleaning products.


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