How to Prioritize Your Self Care Rituals When Life Gets Busy

Let’s face it; there is SO much pressure on women to juggle work, childcare, grocery shopping, fitness, romance, and socializing. “Hustle culture” puts us in our masculine energy, making us believe that if we aren’t busy and working 24/7, we’re failing at life.

Something must give – and usually, self-care falls through the cracks.

At TCR, we believe showing up for yourself every day (in big and small ways) is essential to perform at your best.

But how to find the time? 

In this article, you’ll learn 7 practical ways to make time for self-care.

1. Never Miss Your Daily Pages

Starting each morning with 15-20 minutes of “daily pages” is a wonderful way to set the tone for the day ahead.

This comes from the book The Artist’s Way and involves journaling with pen on paper. The idea is to pour your thoughts, feelings, worries and dreams onto the page. Basically, whatever is on your mind.

It can clear your mind, reduce stress, stimulate creative ideas, help you connect to your true self, and silence negative self-talk.

If you need to wake up fifteen minutes earlier to do your practice, set an alarm and give your mind some TLC.

2. Create “Mini” Moments

Creating mini pockets of self-care throughout the day can positively influence your focus, productivity, and mental state. These breaks give you a moment to recalibrate your mind and body.

“Mini” self-care moments may include: 

A short walk outside in the sun without your phone

Five minutes of slow, mindful breathing with your eyes closed

A ten-minute guided meditation

Five minutes of journaling to clear your mind 

Sitting on the floor and doing gentle stretches to release tension

Eating a meal mindfully and without any distractions

At TCR, we love incorporating “quickie” meditation, breathwork, and journaling sessions into our day. After noticing how transformative these rituals are, we made our TCR quickies a fundamental part of our monthly membership program.

3. Stack Healthy Habits

It’s not easy to prioritize yourself when you have 101 responsibilities to juggle. But you can create balance in your day (and release stress) by stacking self-care habits together or building them into other daily activities – such as:

Combining exercise with meditation by taking a mindful walk or listening to a guided walking meditation

Listening to an inspirational podcast on your drive to work

Doing gentle yoga followed by a short meditation before bed to prepare you for a good night’s rest. 

Stacking habits also makes you more likely to stick to them.

4. Delegate Tasks

Everyone needs support, even if you want people to think you’ve got it all covered. But creating space for things that recharge your mind and bring you joy requires delegating some of your responsibilities.

Talk to your partner, family member, or children about your desire to be the best version of yourself. They may help with chores while you get to a yoga class or meet a friend for coffee. Or ask the in-laws to babysit your kids so you can join a TCR journaling workshop.

5. Identify Limiting Unconscious Beliefs  

Do you have an internal drive to be productive? Are you a people pleaser, an overachiever, or over conscientious at work?

These are all signs that your subconscious mind harbors unhelpful limiting beliefs that are preventing you from meeting your needs. Interestingly, these often arise from childhood experiences.

Our TCR membership teaches you tools to overcome limiting beliefs and connect with your authentic self. We use journaling, affirmations, inner-child work, and meditation to support your journey towards creating a healthy work-life balance.

6. Commit to Your Healing 

Sometimes, you need to up the stakes to hold yourself accountable to, well, yourself! 

Joining our TCR 8-Week Mindset Transformation is a great way to make self-care a priority. It gives you a community of like-minded people and self-care tools to guide you on your healing path.

Committing to your growth in a tangible way can be a catalyst for change. Another example may be booking (and paying for) a massage or facial in advance. 

7. Set a Digital Curfew 

Do you take your work home with you?

Getting enough restorative sleep every night should be non-negotiable – especially if you’re struggling to strike a work-life balance. But sitting up late at night answering emails makes it difficult to get quality shut-eye.

You can correct this by setting boundaries with your boss and colleagues. Turn off your laptop and email notifications in the evening. 

In addition, turn off your smartphone two hours before bed and use the time to talk to your partner, read a book, take a bath, and do a gentle breathwork session. Over time, you’ll notice better sleep and benefits to your energy, mental clarity, and relationships. 

Final Thoughts 

More being and less doing is the key to re-engaging with your feminine energy and finding the work-life balance you desire. 

Feel free to share this article with the women in your life who may benefit from these tips!


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